Financing your Cash Flow for Growth (Presentation in Spanish only )

Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PST

2420, Northeast Sandy Boulevard, Portland, OR, 97232, United States

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Wednesday, 23 October 2019 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM PST

Hatch Innovation, 2420, Portland, OR, 97232, United States.


This workshop will be offered in Spanish only. 

Preparación y obtención de un préstamo comercial para hacer crecer su negocio. (En español)


¿Planea hacer crecer su negocio? Si es así, puede requerir financiamiento externo para ayudar a lograr ese crecimiento. Para ayudar a nuestros proveedores a crecer, nos hemos asociado con Ascent Funding, una organización local sin fines de lucro que ofrece asesoramiento y préstamos de capital, para ofrecer este taller gratuito. Este evento es relevante para cualquier propietario de negocio que necesite capital para hacer crecer su negocio, ahora o en el futuro.  

 En este taller aprenderá:

·         Cómo planificar adecuadamente un préstamo

·         Qué puede hacer para ahorrar tiempo, dinero y frustración mientras se prepara para un préstamo

·         Cómo aumentar sus posibilidades de ser aprobado


Do you want to increase the business you do with Metro but have concerns about the cash demands associated with taking on bigger projects? To help our vendors grow, we’ve partnered with Ascent Funding, a local nonprofit offering business capital coaching, to deliver this free workshop. 

 You will learn:


·        How to assess and plan for your working capital needs


·         How lines of credit can help you meet the increased cash demands from growing your business


·         What to expect from using lines of credit: applying, deploying, repaying, potential challenges


Cancellation policy

Please let us know if you need to cancel your registration ASAP so we can offer your space to other businesses!

Metro Procurement Services

METRO'S PROCUREMENT SERVICES facilitates the procurement and contracting process for all departments throughout Metro to ensure quality purchases that support Metro's mission. Diversity in contracting is a critical component of Metro's mission to plan for the region's future and ensure that it remains a great place to live. By actively involving minority business enterprises, woman owned business enterprises, service disabled veteran owned businesses and emerging small businesses in the pool of business opportunities, we can help expand the economic opportunities in the region.

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